Dreams and stories are powerful medicine and an important element in helping you discover, deepen, and dedicate yourself more fully to Psyche’s call to/for you.
My Dream and Heart Writing groups are deeply profound experiences. Writers and other creatives from around the world come together in a safe and sacred manner to tap into the poems, stories and songs inside of them. Participants are unique, their creations reflecting what is important to them.
Women have gone on to publish books, blogs, songs, essays, dissertations, and more. Some are interested in opening the portal of their imagination to create fiction. Other writers are interested in using these online writing circles to help them heal, grow, and know more about themselves via journal-style writing. Some have won awards &/or are now teaching writing groups themselves. Many Visual artists have reported that the dream and Heart Writing groups enhance their artwork experiences.
“Your classes have helped me so much! I’ve had chronic illnesses since I was 11, and it has only been through writing and gently exploring my deeper self that I have come to realize how unhappy I have been all these years. At first, being in my body was way too scary and now it is a wonderful and peaceful place. I could never have gotten this far without the writing groups and I wanted to make sure you knew the impact on my life.” ~ Melinda
“The “writing adventures” have been especially rich for me in exploring a depth in consciousness that is always there to be tapped into. Donna’s skill at helping me dive deeper into what is meaningful in my life opens my eyes and informs me of a wider view.” ~DB
“This is saving my sanity and I am beyond happy to be completing my second go round. It is so valuable to have a practice that helps on so many different levels. I am honored and excited and I want to come to all your future groups! ~ Alice